You Don't Know That?
Feel free to join in on the ride - who knows? Maybe you'll learn something too! New episodes every other Wednesday.
You Don't Know That?
Hey there! I'm Ashley.
I have a confession. When it comes to pop culture, history, and general life skills, I usually have no idea what I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong, I DO actually read and watch things, but apparently not the same things that everybody else did.
Well, I'm tired of pretending to understand people's references. So, for some ungodly reason that I have yet to figure out, I have decided to broadcast just how much I don't know while also beginning my journey of educating myself. Was this a bad idea? Probably. Are we in it now? Most certainly.
Episodes will be 30 minutes or less, and some upcoming topics include: Apollo 13, Die Hard, How to Buy a House, Jurassic Park, and the American Revolution. (Listen, I don't know a LOT of things, so we're going to cover quiiiiiite the range here. No judgment.)
Feel free to join me on the ride - who knows? Maybe you'll learn something too!
Instagram: @youdontknowpod
Twitter: @youdontknowpod